20 September 2007

Top ten things I miss in the US

In no particular order:

10) Picking up a free copy of a newspaper I can understand every morning at breakfast
9) My hot pink terry cloth bathrobe
8) "Big Love" (although it was on in Danish the other night at the 10 kroner bar)
7) Riding the T, then scouring Missed Connections for my own description
6) Liz Doran
5) Big G's sandwiches (specifically the Captain Bluetooth and Richard Simmons, of course)
4) Improving my game at Sacco's Bowl Haven
3) Page Commons dances
2) My family
1) Sunday brunch in Foss just before 11:00


Sol Israel said...

Glad to know there's another Missed-Connections-checker out there. It's the classiest corner of the internet.

But do you ever post them? That's when the real fun begins.

Anonymous said...

YOU ARE THE BEST. see, i love you more than i love perez.